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学 术 报 告:浅表和地下开挖工程中岩体稳定性三维分析的最新研究



学 术 报 告


Recent developments on Rock Mass Stability Investigations Associated with Surface and Underground Excavations in 3-D (浅表和地下开挖工程中岩体稳定性三维分析的最新研究)


Prof. Pinnaduwa H.S.W. Kulatilake

(Ph.D., P.E., F. ASCE, M. SME, M. Engg.)


20181126日(周一) 上午10:00



Abstract: Currently available sophisticated, powerful three-dimensional (3-D) stress analyses software do not have the capability of modeling the lithological system and the major discontinuity pattern that exists in the rock mass in underground and surface mine excavations. Therefore, the lithological system and the major discontinuity network should be modeled separately before importing them to perform 3-D discontinuum stress analyses. Sampling of minor discontinuity geometry data either through manual or remote fracture mapping techniques is subject to sampling biases. This bias corrections need to be applied using geometrical probability techniques before inferring probability distributions for each of the minor discontinuity geometry parameter using probability and statistical techniques. Rock mass mechanical properties exhibit anisotropic scale dependent properties. The estimation of rock mass strength and deformability parameters should incorporate intact rock properties and minor discontinuity geometry and capturing the scale effects and anisotropy. It is essential to estimate all the needed mechanical properties of discontinuities to perform 3-D discontinuum stress analyses. Variability and uncertainty of estimated mechanical properties for rock masses and discontinuities are unavoidable. Therefore, sensitivity or probabilistic analyses should be performed to evaluate material parameters. The complicated lithological system and the discontinuity network that exist in the rock mass play a major role on the in-situ stress system and the numerical stress analyses results depend on the boundary conditions applied to the numerical model. This will be shown through case studies in the presentation. All the aforementioned, clearly indicate the uncertainty into in predicting the deformation and stability around underground excavations in 3-D.

专家简介:Pinnaduwa H.S.W. Kulatilake博士,现为美国亚利桑那大学岩土工程/地质工程专业教授,亚利桑那大学岩体模拟与计算岩石力学实验室主任,国际著名岩石力学专家,美国注册土木工程师,美国土木工程师协会资深会员。Kulatilake教授于1981年获得美国俄亥俄州立大学博士学位,曾任挪威岩土工程研究所客座研究员(1988年),瑞典吕勒奥理工大学访问教授(1989年),同济大学光华客座教授(2009~2010年),武汉大学客座教授(2010~2013年), 2014年入选中国外国专家局“高端外国专家项目”,受聘为中国矿业大学客座教授。拥有40年的岩石力学与岩石工程相关研究经验,其研究主要涉及采矿、岩土、地质和石油等工程领域,研究方向为岩石随机裂隙网络模拟、节理岩体的力学和水力特性、岩石边坡稳定性分析、块体理论和概率岩土力学。迄今为止,Kulatilake教授已发表学术论文240篇,在全球做过30个专题讲座和50多个特邀报告,在美国、中国、瑞典、墨西哥、奥地利、香港等20多个国家和地区开设过短期课程;曾任或现任25个专业期刊的审稿人和6个专业期刊的编委;担任由亚利桑那州技术委员会主办的地质工程职业考试的主要或唯一考官已有20年。由于Kulatilake教授在其研究领域所取得的成就和做出的贡献,他先后获得俄亥俄州立大学工程学院杰出校友奖和亚利桑那大学杰出亚裔美籍教师奖,先后两次获得Peter Cundall奖。











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